
语法填空 In 2017, eleven million deaths worldwide 56 (link) to people eating diets high in sugar, sal

英语试题 03-12
  In 2017, eleven million deaths worldwide  56   (link) to people eating diets high in sugar, salt and processed meat. Those foods were   57   (part) to blame for heart disease, cancer and diabetes, a new study found,    58  followed eating trends in 195 countries from 1990 to 2017. The findings were reported in the publication The Lancet. Researchers   59  (consider) 15 dietary elements, such as diets low in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and milk. They also looked at diets high in red meat, processed meat, and sugar-sweetened drinks.
“Poor diet is responsible   60   more deaths than any other risk factor in the world,” said Chris Murray,    61    (direct) of the Institute for Health Metrics(指标)and Evaluation at the University of Washington, which led the work. The study found people ate only 12 percent of the recommended amount of nuts and seeds--- an average intake of 3 grams a day. For good health,    62    (expert) say, you should eat 21 grams of nuts and seeds every day.
The study also found that people drank more than 10 times the recommended amount of sugary drinks. Another study   63  (publish) in January suggested   64 “perfect diet” for the health of people and the planet would include a doubling of the consumption of nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Such a diet would also include   65   (drop) by half the amount of meat and sugar consumed.

56. were linked      57.partly     58. Which     59. Considered    60. For   
61. director         62. Experts   63. Published   64. A       64. Dropping

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