
When Rudyard Kipling created the character of Mowgli, an orphaned boy who was adopted and raised by

语文试题 08-24
When Rudyard Kipling created the character of Mowgli, an orphaned boy who was adopted and raised by wolves in the forests of India, he would have never guessed that one day there would be a child that would actually live a similar life.
Born in Windhoek, Namibia in 1990, to Sylvie Robert and Alain Degre, both wildlife photographers, Tippi was exposed to the wild residents of the African jungles since the day she was born. Her parents traveled a lot through the country in search of exotic (异国的) animals and the three often ended up sleeping in a tent in the middle of the jungles.
However, unlike Mowgli, Tippi’s parents were always around to protect her and the only wild animals that she interacted with (交流) were the orphaned wildlife that had been raised by humans in national parks. Having said that, these animals were still wild and little Tippi did have a few close encounters (偶然碰见) like when an ape tried to steal her milk bottle or when a Meerakat thought her nose looked good enough to eat and took a couple of nips (捏; 掐). The most serious one that her mom can recall is when Cindy, a baboon (狒狒), became a little jealous of Tippi’s thick hair and decided to pull out a handful. But overall, the young girl, who many locals believed had a special connection with animals, led a rather magical life.
While her magical life ended when she turned ten and her parents decided to move back to Paris, her memories were shown in a book called Tippi, My Book of Africa, which not surprisingly has become a huge hit among animal fans. We wonder if the now 23-year-old girl who is studying cinema in Paris, will some day decide to follow her parents’ example and take her kids back to experience what she did.
5. What do the characters Mowgli and Tippi have in common?
A. They were both orphaned kids.                 
B. They both grew up in the wild.
C. They were both very aggressive                 
D. They were both adopted by wolves
6. Sylvie Robert and Alain Degre often traveled in the wild in Africa because _______.
A. they enjoyed living with wild animals                      
B. they wanted to help out endangered animals
C. they were taking photographs of exotic animals                              
D. they were looking for animals for national parks
7. We know that after Tippi went to live in Paris, she _______.
A. didn’t want others to know about her past               
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