
书面表达 (满分25分) 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友 Peter发来一封电子邮件,询问你高中开学第一天的情况。请根据所给提示给他回复一封电子邮件。

英语作文范文 08-24
书面表达 (满分25分)
假设你是李华,你的美国朋友 Peter发来一封电子邮件,询问你高中开学第一天的情况。请根据所给提示给他回复一封电子邮件。内容主要包括:
  1. 校园环境;
  2. 对老师和同学们的印象;
  3. 自己的感受。
  1. 词数100左右 (开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);
  2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Peter,
I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my first day at Senior High school.
How about your Senior High school life? I expect to hear from you soon.
Li hua
Dear Peter,
I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my first day at Senior High School.
Walking through the school gate, I saw a tall teaching building, in front of which our national flag was flying. In front of it was a beautiful garden and the air was filled with the smell of flowers, which made me relaxed. Then I felt lucky to find that my new teachers were not only enthusiastic but also experienced. I was attracted by their new methods of teaching, which I had never experienced before. What's more, all my classmates are so friendly and I'm looking forward to making friends with them. My first day at Senior High school made a deep impression on me.
How about your Senior High school life? I expect to hear from you soon.
Li hua
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