

英语作文范文 05-18
1. 学生们不参加体育活动的原因;
2. 进行体育活动的好处。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 文章开头和结尾语已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear schoolmates,
Nowadays, most students don’t do sports for kinds of reasons.
                                                                  Yours sincerely,
                                                                    Zhang Hua
【答案】Dear schoolmates,
Nowadays, most students don’t do sports for kinds of reasons. They think that it is a waste of time and we may get injured in the process.
In my opinion, it is very necessary for us to take part in sports activities. First, by doing some sports, like playing football, pingpong and so on, we can relax ourselves from concentrating a long time in class. There is no doubt that when we get back to study, we can study better. Second, doing sports is good for our health, so we will be unlikely to fall ill. Third, doing sports can help us form a new hobby, like swimming, hiking and so on. In this way, our life will be more colorful.
In all, we can benefit a lot from doing exercises.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang Hua
【点睛】所给范文要点明确,内容具体明确。first、second、third、so等的使用使得行文连贯,条理清楚。此外,适当运用了一些较高级的词汇和句式,为文章增色不少。例如:There is no doubt that…;benefit from…;It is necessary for sb. to do sth.。
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