
Although it has been indicated in recent years that plants are capable of seeing, hearing

英语试题 05-03

12.C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段倒数第二句内容“Water-hungry tobacco appeared to make louder sounds than cut tobacco, for example.”可知,缺水的烟草似乎比切断烟草发出的声音更响亮。C项“Cut tobacco plants seemed to make lower sounds than drought - stressed ones.( 切断烟草发出的声音似乎比缺水的烟草的声音要低。)”与原文表述含义一致。故选C项。
13.A 主旨大意题。根据文章第四段内容“Enabling farmers to listen for water — stressed plants could “open a new direction in the field of precision agriculture”, the researchers suggest. They add that such an ability will be increasingly important as climate change exposes more areas to drought.( 研究人员表示,让农民能够听到缺水作物的声音,可能会“在精准农业领域开辟一个新方向”。他们补充说,随着气候变化使更多地区面临干旱,这种能力将变得越来越重要。) ”可知,本段在讲述这种研究发现对于农业的作用。选项A. The potential applications of the research.( 研究的潜在应用。)概括了本段内容。故选A项。
14.C 词义猜测题。根据后文“After all, there are already plenty of explanations for why insects avoid some plants and not others.( 毕竟,对于昆虫为什么避开某些植物而不避开其他植物,已经有很多解释了。)”可知,在从另一个已经证实的方面解释蚊子选择缺水植物的原因,可推知,前文提及的“Edward Farmer at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland thinks the idea that moths might be listening to plants is “a little too speculative”.”应是讲述了Edward Farmer对提及观点“moths might be listening to plants(飞蛾可能在听植物的声音)”的反对,认为其不合理。因此,speculative 应理解为“不成立”或“不合理”,与选项C. Unsupported.( 不受支持的。)表达含义一致。故选C项。
15.A 主旨大意题。根据文章结构为总分结构,第一段but句提出本文中心话题“But now, for the first time, Itzhak Khait and his colleagues at Tel Aviv University in Israel found that tomato and tobacco plants made ultrasonic sounds at frequencies humans can't hear when stressed by a lack of water or when their stem is cut.( 但是现在,以色列特拉维夫大学的Itzhak Khait和他的同事们第一次发现,番茄和烟草植物发出的超声波频率是人类在缺水或茎被切断时无法听到的。)”可知,文章主要讲述植物在不同压力下能发出不同频率的声音,而这是人类无法用耳朵听到的。选项A. Silent scream(无声的尖叫) 合理概括了本文中心话题,可作最佳选项。故选A项。
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