
完型填空From poverty to a rocket scientist to the CEO of the Girl Scouts (女童子军), Sylvia Acevedo’s story

英语试题 03-09
完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 ,满分 20 分)
阅读下面短文, 16-35 各题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
From poverty to a rocket scientist to the CEO of the Girl Scouts (女童子军), Sylvia Acevedo’s story is inspiring.
Sylvia Acevedo grew up on a dirt road in New Mexico. Her family was ___16___, living paycheck to paycheck. After an infectious disease ___17___in Las Cruces nearly killed her younger sister, her mother moved the family to a different ___18___. At her new school, a classmate ___19___her to become a Brownie Girl Scout. And from that moment, her life ___20___a new path.
The Girl Scout cookie program equips girls with basic ___21___knowledge. Women constantly in the sector said they got their ___22___through it. Sylvia Acevedo was there going door-to-door ___23___ cookies to all her neighbors. There’s a famous sales ___24___ that her troop leader gave her: you never leave the side of a sale ____25____ you’ve heard “no” three times, and to this day she ____26____ by that.
The Girl Scout experience in a way got girls ____27____. When they are earning different badges (徽章) , they have all those job skills that are ____28____related to what they’ve learned. On one camping trip, Acevedo’s troop leader saw her looking up at the ____29____—she didn’t know that there were planets. Her troop leader ____30____the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper and a few planets. Later, when the girls were ____31____ badges, Acevedo’s leader remembered her ____32____with the stars and suggested she try for her science badge. She went on to get a master’s in ____33____ from Stanford University, then became a rocket scientist with NASA, and then, in 2016, was appointed to ____34____ the Girl Scouts.
What the Girl Scouts taught her was determination and resilience (适应力) and she has kept that ____35____in her life ever since.
16. A. large B. happy C. poor D. close
17. A. control B. outbreak C. symptom D. victim
18. A. project B. neighbourhood C. schoolyard D. division
19. A. convinced B. advised C. forced D. allowed
20. A. took up B. took in C. took off D. took on
21. A. political B. cultural C. financial D. religious
22. A. start B. way C. head D. vote
23. A. allocating B. selling C. making D. tasting
24. A. campaign B. figure C. program D. technique
25. A. after B. while C. until D. since
26. A. lives B. gets C. passes D. judges
27. A. adopted B. hired C. noticed D. supported
28. A. gradually B. hopefully C. closely D. loosely
29. A. trees B. birds C. stars D. tents
30. A. pointed out B. ruled out C. sorted out D. brought out
31. A. wearing B. donating C. counting D. earning
32. A. satisfaction B. association C. combination D. fascination
33. A. engineering B. marketing C. teaching D. nursing
34. A. back B. head C. fund D. check
35. A. dream B. promise C. lesson D. standard
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