
At one point in June last year, Zeng Jinpeng was more than 10,000 yuan in debt to a smart phone app.

英语试题 03-10

8. D    9. A    10. C    11. B
细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句He tried to repay the debt in installments, even borrowing from Jiebei, another Alibaba-owped credit service, but eventually his mother and father had to help him out.可知他试图分期偿还债务,甚至向阿里巴巴旗下另一家信用服务公司“借呗”贷款,但最终他的父母不得不帮助他度过难关。由此可知,曾家鹏依靠他的父母来支持他偿还债务。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第二段内容Zeng's story is typical of members of China's Generation Z. These young consumers, born from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, have little income and therefore actually no credit history. Yet they have easy access to credit from an assortment of banks, financial-tech companies, and peer-to-peer  (P2P) Jenders (网络借贷平台), plus other channels that are unregulated. The spending habits of the young in particular are causing concern. In some cases the younger generation is being tempted to overconsume via credit secured through technology. Unsecured consumer leading has expanded 20% a year in China since 2008.The amount of consumer finance available through the Internet will more than double, to 19 trillion yuan, by 2021, from 7.8 trillion yuan last year. Official data showed that almost 70%.of China’s 50 million P2P borrowers were younger than 40.(曾的故事是典型的中国Z一代。这些年轻消费者出生在90年代中期到21世纪初,收入很少,因此实际上没有信用记录。但他们却可以很容易地从各种银行、金融科技公司、点对点贷款机构以及其他不受监管的渠道获得信贷。年轻人的消费习惯尤其令人担忧。在某些情况下,年轻一代正受到诱惑,通过技术担保的信贷进行过度消费。自2008年以来,中国的无担保消费主导以每年20%的速度增长。通过互联网提供的消费金融金额将增加一倍以上,从去年的7.8万亿元增加到2021年的19万亿元。官方数据显示,中国5000万P2P借款人中近七成是40岁以下的年轻人)结合第一段所举的例子及第二段对年轻人现在过度消费的分析来看,可以推断出这种现象是不合理的、失控的、疯狂的。故选A。
词句猜测题。根据划线词后文"I deliberately set the credit limit at a lower level," he say, "so that hopefully I can better match my income with spending."可知曾采用了故意降低信用额度的方式,想让自己来取得收支平衡,说明他现在正努力自己挣钱,但他还是想要节俭一点,避免浪费。故划线词意思为“节约,避免浪费”。A. Impractical.不实际的;B. Hardworking.努力工作的;C. Avoiding waste.避免浪费;D. Relying on others.依赖他人。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据第二段中Zeng's story is typical of members of China's Generation Z. These young consumers, born from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, have little income and therefore actually no credit history. Yet they have easy access to credit from an assortment of banks, financial-tech companies, and peer-to-peer (P2P) Jenders (网络借贷平台), plus other channels that are unregulated.可知曾的故事是典型的中国Z一代。这些年轻消费者出生在90年代中期到21世纪初,收入很少,因此实际上没有信用记录。但他们却可以很容易地从各种银行、金融科技公司、点对点贷款机构以及其他不受监管的渠道获得信贷。结合文章通过一个上海年轻人靠借贷度日的事例,揭示了现在中国年轻人入不敷出,于是利用网络上一些平台借款的社会现象。故B选项“中国的‘Z’一代依赖信贷度日”最符合文章标题。故选B。
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