
阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Authorities in the Chinese city of Wuhan have recently equipped

语文试题 08-24
Authorities in the Chinese city of Wuhan have recently equipped busy crossroads with automatic pedestrian (行人) gates. The measure is aimed at preventing jaywalking (乱穿马路),  41__   has become a serious problem in China. Jaywalking, often   42   (refer) to as “Chinese-style street crossing” in China, usually involves pedestrians ignoring traffic signals when they cross busy streets. This contributes   43    (heavy) to traffic jams.
In the past couple of years, we   44    (see) many measures taken to prevent jaywalking, including   45   (shame) law breakers by making them wear green caps. However, such measures haven’t proven to be   46   (effect).
Traffic officials in Wuhan are trying   47   different approach – stopping people from jaywalking   48   the help of automated pedestrian gates, the kind you normally see at subway stations.
The gates only permit pedestrians to cross the road when the traffic light turns green, and close as the red light comes on, but the public may wonder what prevents people from just going around the gates. Officials have considered the   49   (possible) as well. They have announced that surveillance (监控) cameras above the gates monitor pedestrians’ activities at all times, and any law breaker will be shamed by having   50   (they) faces exposed on digital billboards in the area.

41. which       42. referred     43. heavily    44. have seen   45. shaming 
46. effective     47. a          48. with       49. possibility   50. their
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