
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The cure for sleeping problems can often be found in your daily rou

语文试题 03-02
The cure for sleeping problems can often be found in your daily routine. Your day-to-day lifestyle  61  (choose) greatly influences the quality of your nightly rest. The following tips will help you to get a better sleep.
Set a regular bedtime. Go to bed  62  the same time every night. Try not to break this routine at the weekend when you may want to stay  63  late. If you want to change your bedtime, help your body adjust by making the change   64  (gradual).
Try to keep the noise down. If you can’t avoid the noise of  65  (bark) dogs, loud neighbors, city traffic, or other people in your household, try masking it. You can buy special sound machine or produce   66  (you) own white noise by setting your radio between stations. Earplugs may also help.
Keep your room cool. The temperature of your bedroom also  67  (affect) your sleep. Most people sleep best in a slightly cool room (around 18°C). A bedroom  68  is too hot or too cold is not good for your sleep.
Make sure your bed is  69  (comfort). You should have enough room  70  (sleep) well. If you often wake up with a sore (酸困的) back or an aching neck, you may need to buy a new mattress (床垫) or a different pillow.
  1. choice      62.at      63.up    64.gradually    65.barking    66.your
67.affect      68.which/that      69.comfortable  70.to sleep
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