
When you are suffering from headaches, it's easy for your mind to jump to a worst-case scenario

英语试题 04-07
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。
When you are suffering from headaches, it's easy for your mind to jump to a worst-case scenario。情况). It is possible that headaches can be due to something scary. 36.                 These are the warnings to keep on your radar.
You're stressed out.
Stress is the most common trigger (诱因)for tension headaches, which causes mild to moderate pain that feels like a tight band around your head. While there's a definite link between stress and headaches, the mechanism behind it is a little less clear. The biggest theory is that people who experience tension headaches simply have a higher — than — normal sensitivity to pain. 37.        
You've had a change in sleep , or you lack sleep.
If you notice your headaches came at right around the same time when you started sleeping less than usual 9 you may have found your trigger. In fact, research has found a direct correlation between a lack of rest and a pounding head. 38.                   The reason why this happens isn't totally clear, but a lack of sleep can stimulate the nerves in your brain stem and that can create the perfect storm for headaches.
It seems strange that something as seemingly innocent as a turkey sandwich could be causing your head pain but there's definitely a link. It's largely due to the nitrates —— preservatives added to meats to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. 40.                 But recent research has suggested that some people have bacteria in their mouths that can interact with the nitrates, causing headaches.
A. You're eating a lot of processed meals.
B. You get food poisoning from harmful bacteria.
C. Of course, plenty of people eat hot dogs with no issues.
D. When they become stressed, they physically feel more.
E. The worse sleep someone gets, the more likely he is to suffer from headaches.
F. The best way to deal with headaches caused due to lack of sleep is to address the root cause.
G. However, headaches are more likely to be caused by things you are doing that you are not aware of.

38. E前一句讲到研究发现了 休息不足和头痛之间有直接联系。故E项"一个人睡眠质量越不好.他越有可能头痛",语义期承。
39. A根据位置可知.此处为小标题.故将答案锁定在A.B两项中。再根据整段意思,可知选A项“你吃了大量的加工的肉类”。

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